Messaging Tips for Wellness Businesses to Attract More Clients

July 23, 2022

Those looking for health & wellness services are not the type to settle. They’re careful, sophisticated, and calculated. At the same time, they also want to work with someone who makes them feel safe, seen, and heard.

Wellness is such a personal thing, which often places people in a place where they have to be open and vulnerable. That’s why, as a wellness brand – it’s important to be mindful of your message and speak to your audience in a way that considers them as human beings.

Because having a human-centered message is what will draw them to you, and that’s when you can help them the most.

Here are some tips to elevate your messaging so you can call in more of those people you’re meant to serve:

1. Use clear & simple language

What  may be obvious to you as a leader in the wellness industry may be something your audience has never heard of. For them to get an idea of how you can help them try to avoid using jargon and industry-speak. Instead, craft your content using their language and present concrete and relatable examples they can grasp.

2. Make sure your audience know you’re actually selling something

For you to make sales in your health and wellness business, people have to be aware that you’re a business. That means you consistently have to talk about your offers and invite them to reach out to you. A way to do this without coming off as manipulative and “sales-y” is to always provide value first before pitching your offers. That  way, people get a glimpse of how exactly you can help them

3. Communicate both your process and results you can provide

When it comes to conveying the transformation your service  provides, your audience would want to know where  exactly you’re going to take them and how. Knowing what  they’re getting into and what they can expect from you after working together would give them safety and assurance to move forward with you since everything is presented upfront.

4. Bridge the inspirational to the practical

It goes without saying that the  general language used in the wellness space is uplifting, inspiring, and motivational. However, you’d also  want  to balance this out with practical, functional benefits so that people know how your service applies to their specific situation. This will allow them to hav a better understanding of how your program can positively change their lives –  and would prompt them to seek out your support.

5. Speak to people’s desires and aspirations not to their insecurities

Maybe what you’ve heard is that pulling from one’s pain points is what makes others feel seen. But to truly encourage people to seek out your support, work with you, and choose you over and over, you’d want to paint a picture of their aspirations, desires, drams, and the possibilities that await them after working with you. This will allow them to make a more empowered choice to hire you, instead of reflecting back their struggles, insecurities, and vulnerabilities.

The message you send as a health or wellness brand is not only for the purpose of making more sales, but it creates such a transformative impact on the person receiving that message. That’s why it’s so crucial for your brand to always speak with clarity and compassion. Empathetic messaging is one of the pillars I help clients with in building their wellness brands. If that’s something you would like support on, head on over to our client application to inquire about working together.

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